36 - A 6 Month Retrospective on the (Not So) New Consoles
Congrats if you were lucky to get a non-scalped console. To everyone else: I am sorry.
It’s hard to believe that we are 6 months in to a new console cycle. All things considered, time isn’t a real thing right now and who’s keeping track anyway?
If you were one of the lucky ones to nab either a PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, you’ve been able to see for yourself that the improvements so far this generation haven’t necessarily graphical. There’s been a conscious effort to improve things along the margins.
There are new controllers with vastly different philosophies. One takes a tried and true design and makes subtle tweaks to fully maximize what we’ve enjoyed for years. The other goes all in on innovation and making you rethink what a controller should be able to do.
Both have SSDs but utilize them in very different ways. One lets you suspend multiple games at a time and pick the right up where you left off. The other seems to have mostly eliminated load times.
These are all small things but 6 months into the generation, we’re very excited for where things can go.
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